Friday, March 11, 2011

CALL for Exhibition Proposals

The John B. Aird Gallery is seeking exhibition proposals from visual artists (individuals, groups of two or more artists, artists' collectives), curators, and art associations.

Proposals should include the following:

a) Visual documentation, in digital format, either of artworks to be exhibited or works that are representative of those to be exhibited. All images must be clearly labeled with the name of the artist, title of work, media, and date of production.

b) Artists' biographies including exhibition history, background, education/training.

c) A statement of exhibition purpose describing why you are proposing this exhibition, why you think the John B. Aird Gallery is an appropriate venue for it, what milestones you hope to achieve through this exhibition.

d) Statements from participating artists outlining their artistic vision, and/or a curatorial statement that notes why a particular exhibition of artwork(s) is noteworthy, who the audience will be, what the goals are in presenting the work.

e) A description of what will be presented, including the number of works (no more than 40), and making note of any special installation requirements, equipment or display materials.

f) Statement specifying the preferred month for the exhibition, giving first, second and third choices.

g) Statement of preliminary plans for publicity, opening reception, exhibition signage and promotion.

h) Covering letter stating willingness to work with the Gallery Director in the realization of these plans, and recognizing his/her right to approve printed materials and installation plans. The letter should also indicate awareness of the rental fee and of the guidelines and rules for the use of the Gallery.


The John B. Aird Gallery charges exhibitors $2,000 for a four week exhibition. This fee helps us off-set the cost of hosting the exhibition in our 2,400 sq. ft. space. It also goes towards the production and distribution of electronic invitations (e-vites and pdfs); and the marketing of the exhibition on the gallery's website and via social media. Over and above these expenses the gallery further subsidizes every exhibition by covering the cost of the exhibition installation, lighting, signage, insurance up to a maximum of $85,000, and electronic surveilance of the gallery by the Ontario Provincial Police.

Propsals can be submitted in writing to:

John B. Aird Gallery

c/o Dale Barrett, Director

900 Bay Street

Toronto, ON

M7A 1C2

For further information, please contact the Director, Dale Barrett, at